Hello you gorgeous lot!
Today, as I was browsing through the press release emails that I have received, I stumbled across YSL's summer 2012 look and kept staring at it for a brief 5 minutes. That was it. I was in love! I immediately thought of recreating it with my own products!

So here's what I came up with!
***Please excuse my red and teary eyes, exams, stress and lack of sleep are to blame ;)***

MAC paint pot in Painterly
The Body Shop eyeshadow in 08
MAC e/s in Expensive Pink
MAC Technakohl liner in Smoothblue
MAC mineralize e/s in Sea&Sky[LE(the darker one)]
Max Factor Falsh Lash Effect mascara in Deep Blue
Brushes Used
MAC 252
MAC 224
MAC 311
MAC 210

The original *Image was sent to me and was in the press release email.*

I am personally quite pleased with the results!
I may even be brave enough and go out wearing this look during daytime! :)

Do you girls like it?

Garnier Ambre Solaire Golden Protect Lotion SPF 30 - A review

Hello gorgeous people!
The temperature is getting hotter each day, people have started reaching for the sea more and more often and I am stuck now at home studying for my finals and moaning about the weather. Because you know, I love winter, I like summer, I LOATHE the heat!
What a lovely intro there! Anyway, today I thought I'd talk about a product which I've been sent* by the lovely people at Garnier, who always surprise me with packages and new products! Recently I've been reaching for their newest sunscreen a lot and the more I use it, the more I seem to fall it love with it, so I thought I'll let you guys know.

This year I've set a goal. I am not going to burn...at least I'm going to prevent it as much as I can. It's not that I have extremely fair skin, I'm an NW20 at MAC as I've mentioned before, but my skin is very sensitive to sun rays and burns quite easily. And, after last year's camping experience, ( I got burned so bad on my legs, that touching them with a feather was like burning in hell, *used so much of Bebanthol's ointment the tube with the red colour, still nothing*)
So you can kind of see the controversy there, my skin absolutely hates sunbathing, I love it. So the middle ground is to enjoy sunbathing whilst still protecting my skin.
I decided to put the oil sprays aside and start using regular sunscreen. This year I had purchased no sunscreen and there was a little bit left of my Piz Buin one which I rarely used, so this one was a nice addition!
First of all what I love about this is the smell! It is so summery and refreshing! It is a nice blend of 'jasmine and sea salts along with tiare, orchid and coconut'. To me it simply smells like coconut! xD This also has Monoi oil which is a scented-oil used widely as a skin and hair softener. Overall, the scent is very summery, refreshing and sensual.
The second thing I noticed about it and I also love, is that it absorbs very quickly and it's not greasy! The thing I hate the most about sunscreens is that they never seem to absorb, they are greasy as hell and they leave this white film on your face or body. Not the case with this lotion. It absorbs fairly quickand doesn't leave any kind of film on your body. It actually feels moisturising for your skin!
As you can see from the pictures above, it's got a lovely beige colour(no white film like I said) and blends beautifully into the skin, leaving your body looking moisturised and healthy with a luminous pearl shimmer.
Its formula contains Mexoryl SX, an advanced patented UV filter. It helps protect against the harmful and premature ageing effects of UVA and UVB rays.

~ For those of you, who still find it a bit tricky to differentiate these two( I know I did), I tell you this:

UVA rays: These are less likely to cause sunburn than UVB rays, but they penetrate your skin more deeply. Watch out because UVA rays can go through windows, lightweight clothing, and even your car windshield. Prolonged exposure cracks and shrinks the collagen and elastin in your skin, which is why UVA rays are responsible for signs of aging including wrinkles, saggy and leathery skin, and suns spots.
UVB rays: These are responsible for tanning your skin, but they also cause sunburn. UVB rays are the main culprit when it comes to skin cancer. These rays also go through windows, and it doesn't matter if it's cloudy � you're still at risk for exposure.

There are three types available, depending on your skin type and how long you stay under the sun, SPF10, SPF20, SPF30.
They retail at 11.50E, 13.49E, 14.49E respectively.
Overall, I think this is a very good sunscreen, that does its job but feels more like a nourishing lotion. It's not sticky, doesn't leave any white marks and gives s a lovely luminosity to your skin. The price is affordable as well for a high SPF sunscreen, considering the higher the SPF the higher the price. It's worth checking it out while you're in the local supermarket, or Hondos center, or Boots, Superdrug and so on.


* Garnier sent me this product to try it. This is NOT a sponsored post, they didn't even ask for a review or to mention it. This is purely my personal opinion on a product that I've been loving recently.

Have you tried this girls? What is your favourite sunscreen? Or do you prefer to use oil sprays more?

The nail varnishes of the moment!

Hello gorgeous people!
Another post, this one being about the nail varnishes I've been using like crazy for the past 3 or 4 weeks!


ERRE DUE Last Minute - 31
Lovely orangey, red *tomato red, as I like to call it* The application goes on very smooth and dries very quick!

ERRE DUE Exclusive - 133
This is like a baby, powdery blue, almost like a Robin's Egg blue, which is one of my favourite blue hues! Again as with the rest of the ERRE DUE nail polishes, the application is very smooth! They're affordable too, at around the 5E price tag!

H&M - Dollar Green
The mint green trend never gets old, for spring an summer! This baby was cheap, costing me no more than 3E and it looks a-mazing!!!

MAC - Love & Friendship
I am soooo gutted this has been discontinued, as it's probably my all time favourite colour in my nail varnish collection! It's such a lovely and lady-like lilac-ey colour and more warm and pink toned than the next one!

H&M - Temptress
This is more cool toned and more pastel looking than the previous one. I actually bought it to get over my sadness, because the MAC one is running out. Not the same, but still a gorgeous lilac-ey colour.

OPI - Color of the Zen-tury
This is one of my all time favourite nail varnishes! It's like a mauvey gray, with hints of very fine sparkle in it! It looks great during winter but I find it ideal for when I'm a little bit more tanned during the summer! This is probably the most expensive out of the batch, costing me a dreadful 15E from Sephora!

What do you think of the nail varnishes girls? Do you like them? Have you tried any of them? Photobucket


Hello everyone!
I hope you're all doing alright! Due to personal problems and my finals which are beginning next week, blogging wasn't my top priority and I want to apologize for that!

So, rearranging my stash, I actually discovered some pretty amazing products which I seem to have forgotten over the past year. I couldn't help myself but post about this MAC pigment for you guys, just to express how much I'm currently in LOVE with it!


Melon pigment is described as a soft bright golden peach on MAC's website and I think that is the perfect description for it. When it hits the light it reflects into this gorgeous gold and then it contrasts into a lovely warm peach!
Depending on your skintone, I find that this may appear a bit different on your skin. Skins with pink undertones may bring out the peachy-ness, while skins with yellow undertones are more likely to bring out the golden side of it. Also, depending on how dark or fair your skintone is, it may alternate the appearance. In fairer skintones, it may look more peachy-orangey. I have NW20 skin and it applies true to its colour on the lid! On darker skintones the peachy tones may fade a little bit more. I have also noticed, that this has some detectable chunks of shimmer, compared to other MAC pigments, say Vanilla or Teal, but it doesn't look tacky, so I don't mind whatsoever.
Overall, I love using this on its own as a wash of colour, over other eyeshadows, as a base, heck when I'm tanned, even as a highlighter. It sure is a beautiful colour, and now that summer is here, I would highly recommend you girls to at least go to your nearest MAC store and check this out. It's well worth the try!

What do you think of the pigment? Have any of you tried it? I would love to know :)
