Hello my beautiful readers!

After a month of having a lack of updates due to internet problems, i can finallly say that internet is back on and i've already managed to have several blogposts about beauty reviews etc on my Evernote which will be posted on the blog on a regular basis.

I also want to apologize for not being able to update or reply back to comments as having the SLOWEST internet connection would not allow me to do so.
I want to thank each and every one of you who paitently waited for me and commented me and sent me emails. I truly appreciate that and it made me much more eager to post here more frequently :)

Last but not least i want to thank the GBB (Greek Beauty Bloggers) girls for understanding about the situation. For anyone who think what the heck please check down on this page there's a list which consists of Greek Beauty Blogs. Each and every one of the girls are adorable while also being ver reliable.

Sorry for not putting up a proper post it's just that i'm at my friends house and i'm literally minutes away from leaving the house to go to a psychology seminar.

Again, thank you and i'll talk to you tommorow :)
