2012 In 12 Pictures Challenge

Ok, so I'm one of those(many) people who don't stick to their resolutions. I see people making endless lists and I'm thinking if they're ever gonna stick to at least two of them. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea behind it, I think it's very inspiring, but to be honest it'd be useless if I made one. Instead, I'm gonna do a picture-a-month post talking about the whole year of 2012.

Surely 2012 had its bad and good moments, many on each side but I was strong enough to overcome the bad ones and humble enough to appreciate the good ones. Look, here's one resolution for 2013, to make it even better that 2012!

Had a great New Year's with my lovely(now ex) boyfriend!

Discovered my love for BB creams!No foundation ever looked the same again!

Attended my first ever press conference so I could make my first ever press release :)

Turned 20 and had a lovely party surrounded by my favourite people

Covered my first cold case story! I was truly excited!

Went to the beach for the first time with my friends. Had a lovely time. Got a bit burned.Routine.

July wasn't really the best, I broke up, wasn't really up for anything, I stayed at home most of the time, and started reading books I've forgotten I even had :)

I was still trying to get on my feet with the help of my lovely friends. Went on holiday for a few days, it was nice :)

I didn't really do anything in September. I was mostly going out and getting excited for the term starting!

Uni started, weather changes started, I felt refreshed. If you could see the picture in real life, you'd be amazed by the colours!

I started losing weight, a lot. Don't worry I'm not sick or anything, it was mostly psychological. I even discovered my love for corsets!! :)

I went to Bansko with my friends. It was brilliant. Had a lovely Christmas and an amazing NYE!

Here's to an amazing 2013 then!
If you want, you can go ahead and make a post like this!
Let me know in the comments below!!!
